FPANZ Members Logos
The FPANZ membership tier status logos are licensed to be used by a financial member of FPANZ who has signed up to the FPANZ Code of Ethical Conduct and is fully compliant with all its requirements.
The following guidelines apply to the use of all logos owned by the Fire Protection Association.
Member Logo Guidelines
- The logo is the absolute property of Fire Protection Association New Zealand and may not be used by any organisation or person other than in accordance with these guidelines.
- The emblem shall be reproduced in full without any alteration but may be scaled as long as the text is legible.
- The colour scheme, or a greyscale equivalent, must be adhered to.
- Approval to use the logo cannot be transferred to any other party without the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer FPANZ.
- The logo must not be used where it could be seen as endorsing a product. It shall not be used in situations where it might be seen as an endorsement to findings or opinions in a report, letter, or memorandum, irrespective of the content.
- The logo shall not be used on certificates in any circumstances without written permission of the Chief Executive Officer and/or FPANZ Board.
- The logo shall be removed in all its forms from all media or property when membership is terminated either voluntarily or by FPANZ.
Examples Of Logo Use
- In a supporting or signature role, but not as a dominant feature
- To promote a FPANZ financial member
- On advertisements, but not as product endorsement
- Exhibitors promoting their company in advertising at FireNZ
- On an FPANZ member's website
Membership tier Logos Available For Download Upon Request
The FPANZ membership tier status logos are licensed to be used by any financial member of FPANZ who has signed up to the FPANZ Code of Ethical Conduct and is fully compliant with all its requirements.
Usage is subject to the Guidelines stated above. To request a logo for use on your website or business stationery please contact us.

FPANZ Trademarked Corporate Logo
The purpose of this logo is to provide a corporate identity for the Association in its general course of business activities.
The FPANZ corporate logo is trademarked. It must not to be used by any entity, including FPA members. It is for exclusive use by FPANZ only.